Unit 14 Tiếng Anh lớp 12 Từ vựng Vocabulary International Organizations

  1. Tác giả: LTTK CTV
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    Tóm tắt bài
    Từ Vựng Unit 14 Lớp 12
    appalled (adj): bị choáng

    appeal [ə'pi:l] (v): kêu gọi

    dedicated ['dedikeitid] (adj): tận tụy, cống hiến

    disaster-stricken (adj): bị thiên tai tàn phá

    epidemic [,epi'demik] (n): bệnh dịch

    hesitation [,hezi'tei∫n] (n): sự do dự

    initiate [i'ni∫iit] (v): khởi đầu

    tsunami [tsu'na:mi] (n): sóng thần

    wash (away) (v): quét sạch

    wounded ['wu:ndid] (adj): bị thương

    soldier ['souldʒə] (n): người lính

    delegate ['deligit] (n): người đại diện

    convention [kən'ven∫n] (n): hiệp định

    federation [,fedə'rei∫n] (n): liên đoàn

    emergency [i'mə:dʒensi] (n): sự khẩn cấp

    temporary ['temprəri] (adj): tạm thời, lâm thời

    headquarters (HQ) ['hed'kwɔ:təz] (n): sở chỉ huy

    colleague [kɔ'li:g] (n): bạn đồng nghiệp

    livelihood ['laivlihud] (n): cách kiếm sống

    arrest [ə'rest] (v): bắt giữ

    aim [eim] (v): nhắm

    relief [ri'li:f] (n): sự trợ giúp

    comprise [kəm'praiz] (v): gồm có,bao gồm

    impartial [im'pɑ:∫əl] (adj): công bằng, vô tư

    neutral ['nju:trəl] (n): nước trung lập

    relieve [ri'li:v] (v): an ủi

    peacetime ['pi:staim] (n): thời bình

    agency ['eidʒənsi] (n): cơ quan, tác dụng

    stand for: là chữ viết tắt của cái gì.., tha thứ

    stand in :đại diện cho

    objective [ɔb'dʒektiv] (adj): (thuộc) mục tiêu

    potential [pə'ten∫l] (adj)/ (n): tiềm năng

    advocate (v): biện hộ

    humanitarian (adj): nhân đạo

    exploitation [,eksplɔi'tei∫n] (n): sự khai thác

    abuse [ə'bju:s] (v)/(n): lạm dụng

    symbol ['simbəl] (n): biểu tượng

    catastrophe (n): thảm hoạ

    approximately [ə'prɔksimitli] (adv): khoảng chừng

    vulnerable (adj): có thể bị tổn thương

    smallpox ['smɔ:lpɔks] (n): bệnh đậu mùa

    endorse [in'dɔ:s] (v): xác nhận

    campaign (n): chiến dịch

    influenza [,influ'enzə] (n): bệnh cúm

    focused ['foukəst] (adj): điều tiêu

    analysis (n): sự phân tích

    WTO (World Trade Organization) [wə:ld] [treid] [,ɔ:gənai'zei∫n]: tổ chức thương mại thế giới

    UN (United Nations) [ju:'naitid] ['nei∫n]: Tổ chức Liên Hiệp Quốc

    UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund): Quỹ nhi đồng Liên Hiệp Quốc

    WHO (World Health Organization) [wə:ld] [hel] [,ɔ:gənai'zei∫n]: tổ chức y tế thế giới

    WWF (World Wildlife Fund) [wə:ld]['waildlaif][fʌnd]: Quỹ quốc tế bảo vệ động vật hoang dã

    AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome): hội chứng suy giảm miễn dịch mắc phải

    Bài tập minh họa
    Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.

    Under the global "health for all" strategy, WHO (the World Health Organization) and its members have placed special emphasis (1) _____ the developing countries. Nevertheless, the benefits of WHO's international health work are benefited by all countries, including the most developed ones. For example, all nations have benefited from their contributions to the WHO programs that led to the global (2) _____ of smallpox and to better and cheaper ways of controlling tuberculosis.

    (3) _____ is a key word in WHO's programs. The organization believes that immunization, (4) _____ prevents the six major diseases of childhood-diphtheria, measles, poliomyelitis, tetanus, tuberculosis, and whooping cough-should be (5) _____ to all children who need it. WHO is leading a worldwide campaign to provide effective immunization for all children in (6) _____ with UNICEF. Provision of safe drinking water for all is one of the objectives of the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1980 and (7) _____ by WHO. WHO is also active in international efforts to combat the diarrheal diseases, killers of infants and young children. The widespread introduction of oral rehydration salts, together with improved drinking water supply and sanitation will greatly reduce childhood mortality from diarrhea.

    WHO's program for primary health (8) _____ comprises eight essential elements:

    1. education concerning prevalent health problems and the methods of preventing and controlling them;
    2. promotion of food supply and proper nutrition;
    3. maintenance of (9) _____ adequate supply of safe water and basic sanitation;
    4. provision of maternal and child health care, including family planning;
    5. immunization against the major (10) _____ diseases;
    6. prevention and control of locally endemic diseases;
    7. appropriate treatment of common diseases and injuries; and
    8. provision of essential drugs.
    These eight elements were defined in the Declaration of Alma-Ata, which emerged from the International Conference, on Primary Health Care in 1978.

    1. a. on b. in c. for d. with

    2. a. campaign b. spread c. eradication d. epidemic

    3. a. Prevent b. Prevention c. Preventable d. Prevented

    4. a. whom b. whose c. that d. which

    5. a. prepared b. concerned c. interested d. available

    6. a. organization b. establishment c. cooperation d. protection

    7. a. supported b. related c. treated d. attracted

    8. a. attention b. care c. medicine d. danger

    9. a. a b. an c. the d. Ø

    10. a. infect b. infected c. infectious d. infection

    1. a. on b. in c. for d. with

    2. a. campaign b. spread c. eradication d. epidemic

    3. a. Prevent b. Prevention c. Preventable d. Prevented

    4. a. whom b. whose c. that d. which

    5. a. prepared b. concerned c. interested d. available

    6. a. organization b. establishment c. cooperation d. protection

    7. a. supported b. related c. treated d. attracted

    8. a. attention b. care c. medicine d. danger

    9. a. a b. an c. the d. Ø

    10. a. infect b. infected c. infectious d. infection
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