Speaking - trang 31 Unit 9 Sách bài tập (SBT) Tiếng Anh 11 mới

  1. Tác giả: LTTK CTV
    Đánh giá: ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

    1. Mai and John are talking about the cities of the future. Choose the correct sentences (a-e) to complete the conversation. Then practise it with a partner.
    Mai và John đang nói về những thành phố tương lai. Chọn câu đúng (a-e) để hoàn thành cuộc trò chuyện. Sau đó thực hành nó với một người bạn.

    a.More people will move to the city. More people means more energy consumption and more carbon dioxide emissions.
    b.Exactly. For example, global warming will become worse.
    c.I'm writing an essay on cities in 2050.
    d.Yes. But in my essay conclusion I'll express my hope that some things could get better in 2050.
    e.I'm afraid the pessimistic. Big cities nowadays face too many insoluble problems.
    Mai: What are you doing, John? You look so thoughtful.
    John: (1)___________________
    Mai: Interesting topic, isn't it? Are you taking the optimistic or pessimistic viewpoint?
    John: (2)___________________
    Mai: You mean these problems can't be solved, can they?
    John: (3)___________________
    Mai: Why do you think so?
    John: (4)___________________
    Mai: I see ... It seems that you've got enough ideas for your essay, haven't you?
    John: (5) ___________________
    Đáp án:
    1. c 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. d
    2. Work in pairs. Use the information below to make another conversation.
    Làm việc theo cặp. Sử dụng thông tin dưới đây để thực hiện một cuộc trò chuyện.

    - A and B: greet each other
    - A: ask why B looks thoughtful
    - B: tell A s/he's writing an essay on cities in the future
    - A: ask if B is taking the optimistic or
    pessimistic viewpoint
    - B: tell A s/he is optimistic and give reasons
    (e.g. There are projects to make cities greener.)
    -A: ask B to clarify his/her ideas
    - B: give examples (e.g. build more parks, use renewable sources of energy, etc.)
    A: agree with B