Unit 1 Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Từ Vựng Vocabulary Friendship

  1. Tác giả: LTTK CTV
    Đánh giá: ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

    Tóm tắt bài

    acquaintance [ə'kweintəns] (n) : người quen
    admire [əd'maiə] (v): ngưỡng mộ
    aim [eim] (n): mục đích
    appearance [ə'piərəns] (n): vẻ bên ngoài
    attraction [ə'træk∫n] (n): sự thu hút
    be based on [beis] (exp): dựa vào
    benefit ['benifit] (n): lợi ích
    calm [kɑ:m] (adj): điềm tĩnh
    caring [keəriη] (adj): chu đáo
    change [t∫eindʒ] (n,v): (sự) thay đổi
    changeable ['t∫eindʒəbl] (adj): có thể thay đổi
    chili ['t∫ili] (n): ớt
    close [klous] (adj): gần gũi, thân thiết
    concerned (with) [kən'sə:nd] (adj): quan tâm
    condition [kən'di∫n] (n): điều kiện
    constancy ['kɔnstənsi] (n): sự kiên định
    • constant ['kɔnstənt] (adj): kiên định
    crooked ['krukid] (adj): cong
    customs officer ['kʌstəmz 'ɔfisə] (n): nhân viên hải quan
    delighted [di'laitid] (adj): vui mừng
    enthusiasm [in'θju:ziæzm] (n): lòng nhiệt tình
    exist [ig'zist] (v): tồn tại
    feature ['fi:t∫ə] (n): đặc điểm
    forehead ['fɔ:rid, 'fɔ:hed] (n): trán
    generous ['dʒenərəs] (adj): rộng lượng, hào phóng
    get out of [get aut əv] (v): ra khỏi (xe)
    give-and-take [giv ænd teik] (n): sự nhường nhịn
    good-looking [gud 'lukiη] (adj): ưa nhìn
    good-natured ['gud'neit∫əd] (adj): tốt bụng
    gossip ['gɔsip] (v): buôn chuyện, ngồi lê đôi mách
    height [hait] (n): chiều cao
    helpful ['helpful] (adj): giúp đỡ, giúp ích
    honest ['ɔnist] (adj): trung thực
    hospitable ['hɔspitəbl] (adj): hiếu khách
    humorous ['hju:mərəs] (adj): hài hước
    in common ['kɔmən] (exp): chung
    incapable (of) [in'keipəbl] (adj): không có khả năng
    influence ['influəns] (v): ảnh hưởng
    insist on [in'sist] (v): khăng khăng
    jam [dʒæm] (n): mứt
    joke [dʒouk] (n,v): nói đùa
    journalist ['dʒə:nəlist] (n): nhà báo
    joy [dʒɔi] (n): niềm vui
    jump [dʒʌmp] (v): nhảy
    last [lɑ:st] (v): kéo dài
    • lasting ['lɑ:stiη] (adj): bền vững
    lifelong ['laiflɔη] (adj): suốt đời
    like [laik] (n): sở thích
    loyal ['lɔiəl] (adj): trung thành
    loyalty ['lɔiəlti] (n): lòng trung thành
    medium ['mi:diəm] (adj): trung bình
    mix [miks] (v): trộn
    modest ['mɔdist] (adj): khiêm tốn
    mushroom ['mʌ∫rum] (n): nấm
    mutual ['mju:tjuəl] (adj): lẫn nhau
    oval ['ouvəl] (adj): có hình trái xoan
    patient ['pei∫nt] (adj): kiên nhẫn
    personality [,pə:sə'næləti] (n): tính cách
    pleasant ['pleznt] (adj): vui vẻ
    pleasure ['pleʒə] (n): niềm vui thích
    principle ['prinsəpl] (n): nguyên tắc
    pursuit [pə'sju:t] (n): mưu cầu
    quality ['kwɔliti] (n): phẩm chất
    quick-witted ['kwik'witid] (adj): nhanh trí
    relationship [ri'lei∫n∫ip] (n): mối quan hệ
    remain [ri'mein] (v): vẫn (còn)
    Residential Area [,rezi'den∫l 'eəriə] (n): khu dân cư
    rumour ['ru:mə] (n) : lời đồn
    secret ['si:krit] (n): bí mật
    selfish ['selfi∫] (adj): ích kỷ
    sense of humour [sens əv 'hju:mə] (n): óc hài hước
    share [∫eə] (v): chia sẻ
    sincere [sin'siə] (adj): chân thành
    sorrow ['sɔrou] (n): nỗi buồn
    studious ['stju:diəs] (adj): chăm chỉ
    suspicion [sə'spi∫n] (n): sự nghi ngờ
    • suspicious [sə'spi∫əs] (adj): nghi ngờ
    sympathy ['simpəθi] (n): sự thông cảm
    take up ['teik'ʌp] (v): đề cập đến
    trust [trʌst] (n, v): (sự) tin tưởng
    uncertain [ʌn'sə:tn] (adj): không chắc chắn
    understanding [,ʌndə'stændiη] (adj): thấu hiểu
    unselfishness [,ʌn'selfi∫nis] (n): không ích kỷ
    Bài tập minh họa

    Complete these sentences with the correct form of the word in the box.
    constant capable selfish loyal suspicion
    acquaint enthusiast sympathize hospitable friend
    1. His _________ for music has stayed strong, throughout his 23 years in radio.
    2. He showed unswerving ________ to his friends.
    3. We all have great _______ for the victims of the flood.
    4. _________ is very important because uncertain people cannot have a lifelong friendship.
    5. It was very _______ of him to offer us his room.
    6. We were delighted by the wonderful _________ of the local people.
    7. The wine had made him ________ of thinking clearly.
    8. Playing a game with the children is a good way of getting them _________.
    9. Inform the police immediately if you see anything _________.
    10. ________ need time to develop.
    1. His enthusiasm for music has stayed strong, throughout his 23 years in radio.
    2. He showed unswerving loyalty to his friends.
    3. We all have great sympathy for the victims of the flood.
    4. Intimate is very important because uncertain people cannot have a lifelong friendship.
    5. It was very unselfish of him to offer us his room.
    6. We were delighted by the wonderful hospitality of the local people.
    7. The wine had made him incapable of thinking clearly.
    8. Playing a game with the children is a good way of getting them acquainted.
    9. Inform the police immediately if you see anything suspicious.
    10. Friendships need time to develop.