Unit 11 Tiếng Anh lớp 6 - Vocabulary - Từ vựng

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    Từ Vựng Unit 11 Lớp 6

    store /stɔ:/ (n): cửa hàng
    • What does that store sell?
    storekeeper = shopkeeper /'stɔ:,ki:pə/ (n): chủ cửa hàng
    • My father is the storekeeper for that store.
    salesgirl /'seizgə:l/ (n): cô bán hàng
    • Do you know that salesgirl?
    bottle /'bɔtl/ (n): chai
    • I would like to buy a bottle of water.
    oil /ɔil/ (n): dầu
    • Is there any oil left?
    cooking oil /'kukiɳ ɔil/ (n): dầu ăn
    • This is cooking oil.
    chocolate /'tʃɔkəlit/ (n): sô-cô-la
    • Would you like chocolate?
    biscuit /'biskit/ (n): bánh quy
    • This biscuit tastes very delicious.
    cookie /'kuki/ (n): bánh quy
    • This cookie tastes very delicious.
    can /kæn/ (n): hộp
    • I would like to buy a can of milk.
    tin /tin/ (n): hộp
    • I want to buy a tin of apple juice.
    bar /bɑ:/ (n): thỏi, thanh
    • Can I have a bar of chocolate, mum?
    packet /'pækit/ (n): gói nhỏ, hộp nhỏ
    • This packet of cigarettes is very expensive.
    dozen /'dʌzn/ (n): một tá (= 12 cái)
    • I have a dozen pens.
    gram /græm/ (n): 1 gam
    • This apple is 500 grams.
    kilogram (kilo) /kiləgræm/ (n): ki-lô-gam
    • How many kilograms is this bag?
    half /hɑ:f/ (n): một nửa, nửa
    • I only want a half of a bottle.
    egg /eg/ (n): trứng
    • I often have egg for my lunch.
    soap /su:p/ (n): xà phòng, xà bông
    • How much is a bar of soap?
    tube /tju:b/ (n): ống
    • I want to buy a few meters of tube.
    toothpaste /'tu:θpeist/ (n): kem đánh răng
    • This is a tube of toothpaste.
    list /list/ (n): danh sách
    • I have to buy the food on the list.
    shopping list /'ʃɔpiɳ list/ (n): danh sách vật mua sắm
    • This is the shopping list.
    need /ni:d/ (v): cần
    • I need some food.
    want /wɔnt/ (v): muốn
    • I want to buy a shirt.
    lemon /'lemən/ (n): chanh
    • How much is a kilo of lemons?
    ice-cream /aɪs kriːm/ (n): kem (cà rem)
    • Would you like ice-cream?
    sandwich /'sænwiʤ/ (n): bánh săngwich
    • I like this sandwich very much.
    cake /keik/ (n): bánh ngọt
    • She is making a cake.
    fried /fraid/ (p.p): được chiên, được rán
    • This is fried rice.
    delicious /di'liʃəs/ (n): thơm tho, ngon
    • This cake is very delicious.
    wine /wain/ (n): rượu
    • My father sometimes drinks wine.