Unit 4 Tiếng Anh lớp 11 Từ vựng Vocabulary - Volunteer work

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    Tóm tắt bài

    Từ Vựng Unit 4 Lớp 11

    (the) aged ['eidʒid] (n): người già
    assistance [ə'sistəns] (n): sự giúp đỡ
    be fined [faind] (v): bị phạt
    behave [bi'heiv] (v): cư xử
    bend [bent∫] (v): uốn cong, bẻ cong
    care [keə] (n): chăm sóc
    charity ['t∫æriti] (n): tổ chức từ thiện
    comfort ['kʌmfət] (n): sự an ủi
    co-operate [kou'ɔpəreit] (v): hợp tác
    co-ordinate [kou'ɔ:dineit] (v): phối hợp
    cross [krɔs] (v): băng qua
    deny [di'nai] (v): từ chối
    desert [di'zə:t] (v): bỏ đi
    diary ['daiəri] (n): nhật ký
    direct [di'rekt; dai'rekt] (v): điều khiển
    disadvantaged [,disəd'vɑ:ntidʒ] (adj): bất lợi, bất hạnh
    donate [dou'neit] (v): tặng, tài trợ
    donation [dou'nei∫n] (n): tài khoản, đóng góp
    donor ['dounə] (n): người tài trợ
    fire extinguisher ['faiə iks'tiηgwi∫ə] (n): bình chữa cháy
    fund-raising [fʌnd 'reiziη] (adj): gây quỹ
    gratitude ['grætitju:d] (n): lòng biết ơn
    handicapped ['hændikæpt] (adj): tật nguyền
    instruction [in'strʌk∫n] (n): chỉ dẫn
    intersections [,intə'sek∫n] (n): giao lộ
    lawn [lɔ:n] (n): bãi cỏ
    martyr ['mɑ:tə] (n): liệt sỹ
    mountain ['mauntin] (n): núi
    mow [mou] (v): cắt
    natural disaster ['næt∫rəl di'zɑ:stə] (n): thiên tai
    order ['ɔ:də] (n): mệnh lệnh
    order (v): ra lệnh
    orphanage ['ɔ:fənidʒ] (n): trại trẻ mồ côi
    overcome [,ouvə'kʌm] (v): vượt qua
    park [pɑ:k] (v): đậu xe
    participate in [pɑ:'tisipeit] (v): tham gia
    raise money [reiz 'mʌni] (v): quyên góp tiền
    receipt [ri'si:t] (n): người nhận
    remote [ri'mout] (adj): xa xôi, hẻo lánh
    retire [ri'taiə] (v): về hưu
    rope [roup] (n): dây thừng
    snatch up ['snæt∫] (v): nắm lấy
    suffer ['sʌfə] (v): chịu đựng
    support [sə'pɔ:t] (v): hỗ trợ
    take part in [teik pɑ:t in] (v): tham gia
    tie … to …[tai] (v): buộc, cột vào
    toe [tou] (n): ngón chân
    touch [tʌt∫] (v): chạm
    voluntarily [vɔlənt(ə)rili] (adv): một cách tình nguyện
    voluntary ['vɔləntri] (adj): tình nguyện
    volunteer [,vɔlən'tiə] (n): tình nguyên viên
    volunteer (v): xung phong
    war invalid [wɔ: in'vælideit] (n): thương binh
    Bài tập minh họa

    Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form or tense of an appropriate verb from the box.
    suffer overcome volunteer repair comfort
    donate participate join raise perform
    1. Claire ______ at the homeless shelter once a week.
    2. I've never seen this play ______ before.
    3. He ______ to know that most students in the class knew even less than he.
    4. He made a rash decision and now he ______ for it.
    5. She ______ her difficulties to graduate.
    6. Some people were in the streets ______ money for charity.
    7. He ______ thousands of pounds to charity.
    8. It was too badly damaged ______.
    9. Would you mind if I ______ you for a drink in the bar?
    10. We encourage students ______ fully in the running of the college.
    1. Claire volunteers at the homeless shelter once a week.
    2. I've never seen this play performed before.
    3. He was comforted to know that most students in the class knew even less than he.
    4. He made a rash decision and now he have suffered for it.
    5. She overcame her difficulties to graduate.
    6. Some people were in the streets raising money for charity.
    7. He donated thousands of pounds to charity.
    8. It was too badly damaged to be repaired.
    9. Would you mind if I joined you for a drink in the bar?
    10. We encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college